Behind the Mic: Sharing My Story on "The Life Of Phys" Podcast

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to be a guest on the "The Life Of Phys" podcast, a unique space where artists discuss their creative journeys, mental health, and the cultivation of a positive community. Hosted by the charismatic Tyson Martin, a fellow creative who turned to photography after a skateboarding injury, the podcast shines a light on the personal stories behind the artists’ crafts.

During the podcast, I delved into my own photographic journey, discussing how the camera has become more than just a tool—it's a lifeline that connects me deeply with the world around me. We talked about the powerful role of photography in mental health, offering both a refuge and a platform for personal expression and recovery.

I shared some personal anecdotes about the projects that have challenged and shaped me, emphasizing how each photo tells a story much bigger than the frame can hold. Tyson and I explored the parallels between our journeys, finding common ground in the way a sudden change in life can lead you to discover new passions and, ultimately, a new purpose.

To everyone who follows my work, or if you're just discovering it, I highly recommend listening to this episode of "The Life Of Phys." It's a heartfelt reminder of why we create and how our creations can foster connection and healing. You can listen to our conversation on their official website or all podcast platforms.

Fred Ranger

Montréal based storyteller/traveller | Public Speaker | Content Creator & Photographer



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